Celebrating this one life we know we have

Sunday Assembly Atlanta is a secular community without deity, dogma, or doctrine.

We’ll help you Live Better, Help Often, and Wonder More in our events throughout each month. We hope to enrich your life with connection, curiosity, purpose, and fun.

We want to see you at our next gathering.

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RSVP to an upcoming event today!

Smiling young woman


We got you ❤️

Smirking older man

Believer looking for something different?

We welcome all who welcome all 👍

Smiling young woman

Just not sure?

Perfect! We don't know everything either. 😂

Meetup is the best way to find out what we’re up to any given week.

Of course we’re also online, whether you’re near or far.

Meet others anytime in our Facebook group, and stay connected to us on our Instagram and Facebook page.

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We’d love to see you soon!

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We’re looking forward to meeting you

Here's what we've been up to recently

Curious but not ready to jump in?

Read everything about us and see how our values, goals, and activities fit your vibe.

Whatever journey has brought you here, we want you to feel safe, respected, and understood.

Finding meaning and purpose in life is serious business, and we're figuring it out along with you.

We are seriously and truly Not A Cult™️

“Connection is why we're here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” - Brené Brown, Daring Greatly