The Sunday Assembly

The cornerstone of our community is the Assembly itself. It is an hour-long event where we all come together to eat, enjoy live music, and create meaningful connections. The Assembly typically takes place on the third Sunday of the month, at 5:30 pm.

Active Groups


At the heart of Sunday Assembly is the weekly meditation group. We gather to cultivate a secular practice of mindfulness meditation focusing on practical applications to everyday life. Following the half-hour or so of meditation that begins at 7:00 pm each Wednesday, participants often continue to enjoy each other’s company by going out to dinner.


Joining a band should be fun and easy, and we're here to make that so.
We cover ALL (non-religious) genres of music and we're (mostly) amateurs here, so don't be shy. There's room for everyone and every instrument (singers included)!
Learn More


We wish to create a supportive environment where people can share their experiences and issues, where they will be heard, validated, and accepted. We take an evidence-based approach to our understanding of mental health. This group should not substitute for a therapist, however.

(At Capacity)

Reading may be a solitary experience, but appreciating the written word doesn’t have to be. Fiction and nonfiction alike can inspire ideas and discussions, and our monthly Book Club is an opportunity to have those discussions. Books that touch on the foundational principles of Sunday Assembly are chosen and announced in advance.



This monthly meetup group provides secular parents a place for topic discussion, resource sharing, and general support. Normal avenues of social connection between parents have been closed, postponed, or restricted, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to start a virtual gathering for parents in a secular space. Although we hope to eventually incorporate physical events into our calendar (such as playdates and activities), for now this group is meeting via Zoom.

Visit the Parents Page to see the resources we've collected / discussed!

Visit our Meetup Calendar to join in!

What Excites You?

If there is another activity that you would like Sunday Assembly to organize, let us know!

Inactive Groups


A monthly outing out into the world walking and hiking. We enjoy each other's company, explore new spaces, and recharge from urban living. We choose differing difficulties each outing so that everyone can have a chance to go.


Sunday Assembly helps us all "Live Better, Help Often and Wonder More". In this meetup, we will support one another's efforts to "Wonder More". About once a month we explore some event or location in Atlanta together, helping us appreciate the city and have new, fun experiences outside our normal lives.


A monthly outing to dining spots around Atlanta. We enjoy each other's company, indulge in new fare, and share in new dining experiences.


Our mission to “Wonder More” does not apply only to scientific inquiry; we also want to wonder more about philosophy, society, and culture. Wonder Club is our monthly meeting to do just that and discuss a pressing, controversial, or otherwise intriguing topic facing our world today.


Every person has a role to play in combating the racism that is still embedded in our society. We will take some dedicated time every other week to share what we are unlearning as we re-educate ourselves and grow our anti-racism practices.

Visit the Anti-Racism page to see the resources we've collected / discussed!

Visit our Meetup Calendar to join in!

What Excites You?

If there is another activity that you would like Sunday Assembly to organize, let us know!